If you hadn’t expected your trip to the hospital then probably not, but here at Valley Medical Center we have you covered from head to toe! Valley staff members Tammie Williams and Amanda Lawson from the Case Management and Outcomes departments have pioneered a better way to store and supply clothing to patients in need of clean and comfortable clothes upon discharge from the hospital.
While clean clothing donation has been a part of Valley’s workflow for decades, Tammie and Amanda knew there was a better way. Clothing donations used to come in just from families or local organizations, leaving inconsistencies in the size and condition of available clothing. Since many patients may come to the hospital with clothing that has been cut or torn, become dirty, or does not fit over a cast or new medical equipment, it had been difficult to find suitable clothing pieces for each individual. Additionally, when home is far away it can be challenging for friends or family to make the long trip to gather clothing and supplies when their loved one is in the hospital. In these cases, Valley has a generous stock of black sweatshirts, sweatpants, socks, and even men’s and ladies’ undies! Our Clothing Closet supplies are purchased brand-new with funds donated by Retirement Connection, a local resource for seniors that hosts vendor fairs to connect the community and raise money for Seattle area healthcare organizations.
Not only do we want our patients leaving the hospital healthier, “we want them feeling better going out than coming in, with confidence and dignity,” says Tammie. Now with Tammie and Amanda’s Clothing Closet, we can ensure the availability of a comfortable and clean outfit in every size to fit all! When it comes time to roll out the front door on your way home, we will send you down the path to better health in style.
Great job ladies for helping these patients out when they need clothing for the trip home!
Very good idea. How can I help you. I have sweaters coats pants tees. Where can I drop off items.
Hi Norma,
I’ve reached out to our case managers to see if they’re accepting donations at this time. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back. -Tara, Valley Marketing Office
Hello again, we are no longer accepting donations of clothing, but if you’d like to make a monetary contribution to the clothing closet you can send a check to Valley Medical Center, attention Amanda Lawson, Outcomes Management. Please be sure to include “clothing fund” on the check.
This is awesome! Is this available to ER patients as well?
This is a wonderful idea! A couple years ago I had surgery at VMC. My surgery had complications and was double the time and I ended up having to wear a catheter bag home. When I went to leave my hair was looking awful despite attempts by my husband to “wet it down” with water from my drinking glass! I was miserable and feeling sorry for myself. I had not planned on a catheter bag so the clothing I brought to wear home wasn’t appropriate for that problem. I covered the bag and part of my exposed body with a blanket in my wheelchair but my hair was another issue. I wished I had brought a hat even though I seldom wear one. I mentioned to the nurse that babies are sent home with caps, some other patients could use them too! A cap, baseball hat, beanie…all with the VMC logo…would be a great solution to cover up the “bed head” look and advertise a great hospital too. Even offering them for a nominal fee would be welcome. I know this is such a small issue in the realm of health issues, but every little thing helps when you are miserable, scared and hurting. Thanks for all you do!
Hi Wendy,
Thanks for the suggestion. While we do sell some hats in our gift shop, I’ll pass along your comments to the ladies running the clothing closet in case hats/beanies are something that can be added in the future. -Tara, Valley Marketing