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Join Us for a Community Meeting

YOU'RE INVITED: Community Health Needs Information & Input Sessions At Valley, we believe innovation, sustainability and partnership are pivotal to our mission of caring for our community like family. As we look to what’s ahead for Valley, we invite you to participate in an upcoming information and input session where we will be collecting comm...


Join Us for a Community Meeting

YOU'RE INVITED: Community Health Needs Information & Input Sessions At Valley, we believe innovation, sustainability and partnership are pivotal to our mission of caring for our community like family. As we look to what’s ahead for Valley, we invite you to participate in an upcoming information and input session where we will be collecting comm...


Disability: Part of the Equity Equation

By Valley Medical Center’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion CommitteeAs we celebrate the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities, we acknowledge that people with disabilities are still too often marginalized. As a society we must not only embrace the talents and skills of people with disabilities, but take action for e...


INTRO: Welcome to “We Are Valley,” a podcast by Valley Medical Center, located in Renton WA. “We Are Valley” is dedicated to providing you bite-sized advice to improve your health and well-being and keep you updated on the latest medical guidance. This podcast is for informational purposes only and isn’t intended to be taken as medical advice, so p...