by Ophthalmologist Michael Solomon, DO
If you (or your child) has diabetes, you’re at risk for a group of eye conditions including diabetic retinopathy (the leading cause of blindness in the U.S.), glaucoma, cataract and diabetic macular edema. These diabetic eye diseases have the potential to cause severe vision loss and blindness. Diabetic retinopathy often has no symptoms in the early stages which is why those with diabetes should have yearly, dilated eye exams.
4 Tips for Preventing Damage from Diabetic Eye Disease
1. Keep your blood sugar as close to normal as you can
Take medications as prescribed.
2. Stay physically active
Get 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity five days per week.
3. Maintain a healthy diet
A low-carbohydrate Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, legumes, fish, and healthy fats from plant and fish sources is recommended.
4. Yearly eye checkups can help detect problems early on when they are easiest to treat
Make sure your check-up includes a dilated retinal exam from an ophthalmologist (eye MD).
Early detection, timely treatment and appropriate follow-up care of diabetic eye disease can protect against vision loss. By keeping an eye on your health, you can help preserve your sight.
For more information about scheduling a comprehensive eye exam with an ophthalmologist, visit valleymed.org/eye or call 425.656.5345.
Michael S. Solomon, D.O. is a Board Certified, Comprehensive Ophthalmologist excited to rejoin the Valley Medical Center family and return to the Pacific Northwest. He is experienced in eye surgery and other ocular conditions. He performs cataract, pterygium, and glaucoma surgery. He has a passion for cataract procedures which may be able to reduce dependency on glasses after surgery. He medically treats glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic eye disorders. Dr. Solomon looks forward to reestablishing the compassionate eye care that he provided at Valley from 2007-2013.
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