Are you:
- between age 55 to 74 years old
- and currently a smoker or have quit smoking in the last 15 years
- and with a smoking history of at least 30-pack years (this means one pack a day for 30 years or two packs a day for 15 years, etc.)?
If so, you may be in the group at highest risk for lung cancer and a possible candidate for a
Low-Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) test. Your primary care doctor is the best person to help you determine if this test is right for you. The risk for lung cancer is different for each person. If you have any concerns, please talk with your primary care doctor.
Start a Tobacco-free Life—It’s Never Too Late to Quit!
Nicotine Replacement Patches, Gum and Lozenges
These products can ease the discomfort of nicotine withdrawal associated with stopping smoking and are available at Valley’s Prescription Pad pharmacies. Speak to your doctor to see if nicotine replacement is right for you. A prescription may be needed for insurance coverage of these products. Visit valleymed.org/pharmacy or call 425.656.4050.
More Stop Smoking Resources
Download the free SmartQuit™ smoking cessation app. SmartQuit™ is private, always within reach and three times more effective than trying to quit on your own. Visit smokefreewashington.com/resources
Call Washington Tobacco Quit Line, a free smoking cessation program that includes a “Quit Coach” you may call as often as you like for individualized coaching sessions. Call 1.800.QUIT.NOW (1.800.784.8669); Spanish 1.855.DEJELO.YA (1.855.335.3569); or hearing impaired 1.877.777.6534.
Visit valleymed.org/stopsmoking for a list of additional resources.