With spring finally here, it’s time to patiently settle in for our famously finicky Washington weather—sunny and beautiful one moment, then raining or hailing an hour later. Here are some ideas for fun activities to do around the house that can support your child’s communication, social, and sensory skills and avoid another afternoon spent in front of a screen!
- Make a treasure hunt throughout the house using one- and two-step directions. Directions can be simple such as, “Look in the washing machine for your next clue” or more complex such as, “Look inside something that makes your food hot.” The last step can be to find a prize of a delicious snack, small toy, or anything else rewarding
- Make an obstacle course using furniture, toys, and even people! Take turns running the course and whoever makes it through the fastest wins
- Find an online recipe for homemade slime or play dough and make it together, following the directions. Use household items such as soup cans, cups and pizza cutters to roll and cut your creations.
- Together, read a book, then act out the story. With older kids, making homemade costumes and scenery becomes an art project.
- Make a “boot camp” challenge. See who can do the most jumping jacks, sit ups, push-ups, or other physical activity in 60 seconds.
- Make a fort under the dining room table. Use pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, chairs, etc.
- Have a “robot” room cleaning party. Have your child give directions to you or an older sibling about what to pick up and where to put it. Be very literal and silly when following their directions. For example, if they say, “Pick up the books and put them on the shelf,” put them on the shelf in the closet instead of the bookshelf. This is great for practicing specific language and getting a cleaner room!