What if Your Child Eats or Drinks Something You Don’t Know is Safe?

What if Your Child Eats or Drinks Something You Don’t Know is Safe?

If you are unsure about the safety of something your child may have eaten or been exposed to, please call the Poison Center right away at 1.800.222.1222—it’s free and experts are ready to help you 24 hours a day. Call with poison questions about children, adults, seniors or even pets. Help is always available.

Here’s some general advice to keep in mind from the Washington Poison Center for various situations:

Inhaled Poison
◾ Get to fresh air right away and avoid fumes.
◾ Open doors and windows wide.

Poison on the Skin
◾ Take off the clothing the poison touched.
◾ Rinse skin with running water.
◾ Wash off with soap and water.

Poison in the Eye
◾ Run lukewarm tap water over eye for 10 minutes.
◾ Do not force the eyelid open.

Swallowed Poison
◾ Do not make the person vomit, drink or eat unless told by a poison expert.

Be Prepared
◾ Keep Syrup of Ipecac (a drug that makes you vomit) at home.
◾ Always call the Poison Center before using.

View Poison Center brochure with more info.

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Valley Medical Center's Marketing and Community Outreach Office