Preliteracy skills are skills that must be mastered prior to a child learning to read, write, and consequently excel with an academic environment. The Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention (2016, VOL. 9, No. 1, 6-11), recently published an article authored by Valley’s Children’s Therapy therapists, Bethany Coleman, MOT,OTR/L, Christine CORL, MS CCC-SLP, Holly Davis MS CCC-SLP, Anthony Perucco MS CCC-SLP, and Kari Tanta PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA.
Their article discusses ways to enrich the therapeutic environment to encourage growth and development of those preliteracy skills leading to later academic success. Thanks to this team for advancing their field and making it possible for children in OT everywhere to benefit from their scholarly work!
Read an abstract of “Occupational therapy and preliteracy skills: An integrated approach to treatment”