Analysis of the incidence of total hip and knee replacement over the next 20 years, as baby boomers reach retirement age, anticipates a six fold increase in the number of knee replacements done by 2030 and a doubling of the number of hip replacements. In 2016 there will be over 572,000 hip replacements and 3.5 million knee replacements performed. In 2005, 7% of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons identified themselves surgical specialists for adult hip and knee replacement. The number of adult joint reconstruction surgeons is decreasing while the number of patients requiring joint replacements is significantly increasing. This added to the fact that from 1991 to 2007 there has been a 40% decrease in reimbursement for hip replacement while during that same period there has been a 49% cost of living increase, is creating a challenging environment for joint replacement surgeons to continue to undertake the increasing volume of patients as we go forward over the next 20 years.
Hello and thanks for your blog. It is just amazing how the technology has grown leaps and bounds. The pain relief must be enormous not to mention all the pain meds that will not be digested and cause futher ailment. I am currently shopping for a knee replacement. I have been suffering with knee joint degeneration for almost 20 years. The meniscus in right knee only with acl tear is gone and bone to bone exists according to Mri and x-rays. Yes there will be a greater number of joint replacments in the future and continue to rise as i type.I have waited patiently for technology and skill to grow over the decades until i cannot stand it anymore and must have a total knee done. My other problem is i have Hep c from blood transfusion in 1988 before screening began. Ok i am interested in finding out more on rejection and the immune system after implant. Also is the use of antibiotic cement a good idea in staving off infection. ?
My viral is low with stage 2 fibrosis. I keep a very good diet and feel i have a good chance of avoiding rejection.
Can you answer any of these questions for me?
Thanks for all your work and efforts.
Concerned patient
This is a link i think we could all learn something from.
It involves the risks of antibiotic loaded cement and answers many questions to those who are considering knee or joint replacement. I helped myself and my Doctor hope you can get some insight. http://www.ejbjs.org/cgi/content/full/88/11/2487#SEC8
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