For meeting and exceeding rigorous national quality benchmarks, Valley’s Clinic Network received the Seattle Business Leaders in Healthcare Award on Feb. 28 in conjunction with the Washington Health Alliance’s Community Checkup. Congratulations to VMC Clinic Network leadership, providers and staff!
What is the Washington Health Alliance’s Community Checkup?
In 2007, the Washington Health Alliance began issuing a recurring report on health care performance across the region and the state of Washington. Called the Community Checkup, it has become the umbrella under which the alliance releases public reports on the quality of health care.
The Community Checkup uses the Washington State Common Measure Set for Health Care Quality and Cost, a tool established by state legislation to enable the tracking of such elements as access to primary care, acute care, disease prevention and chronic care. Data are analyzed and reported by the alliance, based on support from more than 185 member organizations, which not only provide the data for much of the alliance’s work but also participate in determining what the alliance studies and how it is communicated.