Although the average age for someone having hip replacement surgery is 68, younger people are also benefiting from this procedure. More then 340,000 people have hip replacement surgery each year to reduce pain and improve mobility. An increasing number of these patients are under the age of 50.
Young people who develop significant arthritic changes in their hips have often developed hip arthritis after previous trauma, have developed a condition called osteonecrosis commonly related to prolonged steroid use, or have had congenital conditions affecting their hip. These are the most common causes that lead to significant arthritis in a young patient and can be alleviated by hip replacement.
As with any surgery, there are risks involved with hip replacement surgery. It is important to discuss the pros and cons of hip replacement with your orthopedic surgeon to determine what course of treatment is appropriate for you. There are a variety of fixation methods, bearing surfaces, and surgical techniques that can impact the outcome and longevity of surgery.
Total Knee Replacement
Deciding to have knee replacement surgery is an involved process that calls for an in depth evaluation of the patient’s age, activity level, weight, and degree of arthritis involving the knee. Once the decision has been made to have knee replacement surgery, the next step is to decide who will perform that surgery, what implant is best for the particular patient, and what activities can be recommended following knee replacement surgery.
The majority of knee replacements performed in the United States are fixed to bone using bone cement. This type of fixation has a long track record with a success rate of approximately 90% at 15 years follow-up. Mobile-bearing knees allow a combination of both flexion as well as rotation at the prosthetic joint. They have been in use for approximately 25 years and recent modifications have hopefully improved the function and durability. Deciding to have a knee replacement is an important decision and discussion of the procedure, the type of implant, and the expected outcome is important so that patients can be well informed about their prospects for success.