"I think I knew a lot of the pieces already, but putting the pieces of the puzzle to, kind of, see the big picture has, I think, short-term and long-term value for me." - Drew, Diabetes Prevention Program patient In the U.S., 1 in 3 adults has prediabetes and is at risk for type 2 diabetes, yet nearly 85% don't know they have it. Having prediabetes...
Primary Care
Staying Abreast of Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines

What are the current screening guidelines for mammograms? What is the role of a radiologist? If you're told you have dense breasts, what does that mean? Get the answers to these questions and more from Thuy Pham, MD, a primary care provider at Valley's Lake Wilderness Clinic, and Jason Mann, MD, medical director for Valley's Breast Center, in this...
Cheers to a Healthy 2025: A Friendly Reminder to Schedule Your Annual Health Maintenance Checks
Valley Primary Care Clinics Sustain Recognition as NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Homes
3 Cs of Telehealth
Understanding E-Consults: How They Enhance Your Healthcare
Cold, Flu, Pink Eye, Oh My!
One Nurse Makes a Difference: How Valley’s RN Care Managers Are Improving Care in Our Community