Managing Your Mental Health and Preventing Burnout During a Pandemic

Managing Your Mental Health and Preventing Burnout During a Pandemic

Check out Aditi Dhar, MD’s advice for healthy mood boosters during these tough times; how to support family members; what to look for to spot mental stress; how to reduce feeling overwhelmed and more.

In this presentation, you’ll learn:

• What are the signs and symptoms of mental stress and what factors can make them worse?
• What are some of the negative ways people are coping now and what are ways to replace them with healthful tactics?
• When should you seek help from your primary care provider for help?
• What can you do to help offer support to your kids and/or to elderly loved ones?
• How can your reduce the sense of feeling overwhelmed by all the news on TV or the internet?

Dr. Dhar, is a family medicine physician at Newcastle Primary Care Clinic and is now accepting new patients. Learn more about Dr. Dhar. Call 425.690.3455 for an appointment or find another provider or clinic at

About The Author

Valley Medical Center's Marketing and Community Outreach Office


  1. Marilyn May

    I took many notes during this video. Dr. Dhar is very knowledgeable. I particularly liked her suggestion to get your info re COVID from just 2 trusted sources. I got so overwhelmed early on that I limit myself to 1 hour of broadcast news daily. The Seattle Times is an excellent source that doesn’t stress me out. Their comics pages provide a much needed chuckle too. Thank you.

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