Know the Signs of Stroke: FAST

Know the Signs of Stroke: FAST

A stroke is a brain attack, caused when an artery in the brain is blocked or bursts—and part of the brain starts to die. One of the side effects of COVID-19 is blood clots, so those with the infection are at greater risk of stroke. Fast treatment is crucial for a better chance at survival with less disability. If you see one or more signs of stroke, act FAST and call 911 immediately.

F: Does their face droop on one side?

A: Do they have trouble raising one or both arms?

S: Do they have trouble speaking?

T: It’s time to call 911.

Overcome the urge to “wait and see” –call 911 to get the care they need.

What a great way to say, “I love you.”

Learn more about the signs of stroke and why fast treatment is crucial.

In addition to its Joint Commission Thrombectomy Capable Certification awarded in February 2020, Valley’s Stroke Center has been awarded the American Heart and Stroke Association’s Get with the Guidelines: Target Stroke Elite Honor Roll Plus Gold Plus Quality Achievement award since 2015.

About The Author

Valley Medical Center's Marketing and Community Outreach Office