Offering an innovative and supportive approach to caring for those 65 years and better, Valley Medical Center is opening the Senior Care & Internal Medicine Clinic in Fall 2017. Focused on coordinated, comprehensive care with an emphasis on prevention and wellness, our providers are specially trained to meet the physical and mental health needs of seniors. They will offer chronic disease management, medication management and the assessment/prevention of safety issues such as falls. The multidisciplinary team includes specialists in geriatric medicine, psychiatry, pharmacy, social work and nursing. Nutritionists, anticoagulation services and physical, occupational and speech therapists are also located in adjacent clinics for seamless consultation and treatment. For those 75 years and older, call 425.656.4005 for more information or an appointment. If you are 65 -74 years of age, please talk to your primary care provider about a referral for specialized care.
Meet Senior Care & Internal Medicine Clinic Providers
Naomi Belayneh, ARNP, DNP, GNP-BC
The Senior Care & Internal Medicine Clinic is located on the hospital campus in the Medical Arts Center (MAC) building, suite 570.
My Mom Carolyn Williams needs a geriatric doctor. She is 93 years old. Born on May 25,1924. My question is where will this senior care be located. If its upstairs and in 4011 Talbot there is only one elevator that works sometimes. They say they are waiting for parts to fix it for at least 2 months. Mom and lots of elders need easy access to their doctors. Mom kept losing her doctors no one wants to stay and have a practice for very long. My Mom has lots of medical issues including high blood pressure, COPD, heart valve not opening much, dementia, macula-degeneration, hearing aids and still does not hear well. The last thing she wants to do is walk down some long hallway for her doctor appointment. Please let me know if this will be beneficial for Mom, a retired RN from Valley Medical. Thanks Kathie
Hi Kathleen,
The Senior Care & Internal Medicine Clinic is located in the Medical Arts Center (MAC) building, suite 570. There is a short walk down the hall from the elevator to the clinic entrance. If you have questions about the clinic, you can call 425.656.4005.
Please add me to your mailing list.
Hi Dexter,
Is there a particular mailing list you’d like to be added to? We have a few newsletters, as well as a monthly blog digest. Let me know and I’ll sign you up.
Where will this be located?
Hi Judy,
The Senior Care & Internal Medicine Clinic is located on the hospital campus in the Medical Arts Center (MAC) building suite 570. If you have questions about the clinic, you can call 425.656.4005.
Will this be on a walk in basis or by appointment. Will you be assigned a person to see?
By appointment. For more information, please call 425-656-4005.