Wearing a mask is important not only when you’re at Valley for an appointment, but also when you’re out and about around the community–wearing a face mask allows us all to get back to the lives we love! We’ve put together a list of places that are either offering masks for free, or donating a mask to a person/organization in need*.
- City of Renton – Mask pick up at Renton Community Center, Wednesdays 4 – 6 PM and Thursdays 9 – 11 AM while supplies last
- Harts & Pearls – Adopt a Healthcare Worker Program
- Hedley & Bennett – Donates a mask to a person in need for every mask purchased
- Love Your Melon – Donates a mask to the medical community for every mask purchased
- Splash Fabric – Donates to community organizations, healthcare workers, homeless people, refugees and elders
- Tokki x Gravitas – Donates a mask to healthcare workers for every mask purchased
- Tom Bihn – Donates a mask for every mask purchased
- Uncognito – For every mask purchased, a non-medical KN95 will be donated to a local charity
- Valley Girls & Guys – For every Be The Hope face guard purchased, a face guard will be donated to an oncology patient at Valley Medical Center
*Please note that this list is for informational purposes only. Valley Medical Center does not endorse, nor verify the quality of the product from any of the companies listed above.