Valley’s Honorees Soar to New Heights at 2017 Service Awards Gala

This year’s annual Service Awards Gala, held on March 15 at the Museum of Flight, honored more than 350 staff members and 73 volunteers for milestone years and hours of service while providing remarkable care for our community. Special thanks to Volunteers In Action whose generosity made holding the event off-site possible and allowed honorees to bring a guest.

Notable moments:
We journeyed back to 1973, when our longest tenured employee, Mike Bymers (Facilities & Engineering) joined our team. Just in case you don’t remember 1973, that’s when you could watch The Brady Bunch and Partridge Family on Friday nights and The Godfather hit the big screens with “an offer you couldn’t refuse.”

Congratulations to all Valley employees with a hire or rehire date in 2012 (5 year), 2007 (10 year), 2002 (15 year), 1997 (20 year), 1992 (25 year), 1987 (30 year), 1982 (35 year), or 1977+ (40+ years) who celebrated their service anniversary and were honored at this event.

We recognized 73 volunteers who reached milestone hours: 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4500, 6000 and 9000, 9500, as well as Volunteers of the Quarter.

Special recognition to volunteers:

  • Sandy Warnes: Day in and day out, Sandy has dedicated herself to Valley’s Neonatal ICU. She rocks babies and truly has a huge impact for the tiniest of patients, as well as the parents and NICU staff. Sandy donated 950 hours just THIS YEAR alone, which qualifies her for the lifetime hours recognition for both 9000 and 9500 hours worked total.
  • Bonnie Victor: With 15,500 hours of volunteer time, Bonnie has provided 3875 days of service and we have never had anyone reach this milestone. Bonnie has been with Valley for 22 years and has lent a hand in many different areas including Breast Center, Birth Center, Fitness Center, HR, Administration and many more.
  • Vivian Mickelborough is the longest tenured of all of Valley’s volunteers honored at the 2017 Service Award Gala, having been with Valley for 26 years. She has donated over 3500 hours, lending a hand with book cart, baby photos, assisting in HR and today she helps patients find their way at the MAC Information Desk.

We celebrated the achievements of the 2017 Employees of the Month and announced the Employee of the Year, Darnell Umagat, RN who works in General Medicine.

We also took some time to have a little fun, eat some delicious food and laugh out loud. Congratulations to this year’s employee and volunteer Service Award Honorees and thanks for attending!

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Valley Medical Center's Marketing and Community Outreach Office