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Beaming with Gratitude: Valley’s 2024 Gratitude Report

We ushered in 2024 full of hope and ignited in our purpose and our passion to care for others. Our collective efforts this past year sparked innovation and creativity, adaptability and resilience. We discovered new ways to work together and deliver care. While we continued to weather turbulence from many things outside of our control, we focused in...


Beaming with Gratitude: Valley’s 2024 Gratitude Report

We ushered in 2024 full of hope and ignited in our purpose and our passion to care for others. Our collective efforts this past year sparked innovation and creativity, adaptability and resilience. We discovered new ways to work together and deliver care. While we continued to weather turbulence from many things outside of our control, we focused in...


Decades of Service to Our Community

What is the longest amount of time you’ve spent in one job? A year? 10 years? 20 or more? At Valley, we are fortunate to have dozens of staff members who have spent decades caring for our community. Among the long-tenured employees, there is an elite group who have worked at Valley for more than 40 years! We reached out to the 40+ group to ask abou...


INTRO: Welcome to “We Are Valley,” a podcast by Valley Medical Center, located in Renton WA. “We Are Valley” is dedicated to providing you bite-sized advice to improve your health and well-being and keep you updated on the latest medical guidance. This podcast is for informational purposes only and isn’t intended to be taken as medical advice, so p...