As the season turns festive and the weather cold and harsh, it’s an important time to prepare for potential winter weather. Valley’s Office of Emergency Preparedness shares some tips and resources for winter weather safety.
BEFORE a winter storm
- Have a winter storm survival kit at home and in your car
- Check for the latest traffic and weather conditions
- Ensure animals have shelter with plenty of food and water
- Learn the signs of hypothermia and frostbite, and get tips for prevention.
DURING a winter storm
- Find shelter
- Slow down!
- Exercise – keep blood circulating
AFTER a winter storm
- Stay informed – tune in to your local news
- AVOID flooded roads and pay attention to danger signs
- Check your house and contact family and isolated neighbors
Additional resources for winter weather:
- Ready.gov winter weather preparedness tips
- Subscribe to King County’s ALERT Regional Public Info & Notification system
- King County winter weather safety and preparation
- WSDOT Real-time travel data
Oh Say Can You Say What’s the Weather Today?
You see, weather keeps changing,
but one thing we know.
It makes life exciting
wherever you go.
Rabe, T., Ruiz, A., “Oh Say Can You What’s the Weather Today?” (2011, Harper Collins Publishers Limited).
Infographics courtesy of weather.gov.